Regular cleaning involves all sort of highly touch surface. It includes floor, furniture, door knobs, water tapes, toys and much more. These places are sanitized and disinfection cleaning is made in routine manner. Additional it includes the sweeping, mopping and vacuuming the carpet, floors and walls too.
Focusing on the entrance, playing areas and bathroom are often needed to clean enough. Apart from that the bathroom are need to disinfect several times and the floor surfaces, tables, toys, chairs and countertops. Empty and removal trash are need to be done in proper manner.
Weekly cleaning service is completing different from regular cleaning which focus on high priority aspect only. Some of common weekly cleaning includes plastic and soft toys which are need to clean in proper manner. Using water with mild soap the toys are cleaned.
Next cleaning process includes removal of dust and dirt on the windows. Additionally carpet cleaning comes under the weekly cleaning aspects. With steam and vacuum the cleaning process are done in effective way. Each week wall cleaning also done in an effective way.
Before hiring childcare cleaning service there are certain things need to note for the betterment of children health and environment.