AR technology is being explored by the office cleaning company Sydney to provide clients with a visual representation of the office cleaning process. By using AR apps in the processes of commercial cleaning services in Sydney, clients can see which areas have been cleaned and which are not, and which are the areas that are scheduled to clean next. This interactive experience will definitely help in settin
Utilising electrostatic spraying technology will be game changing decision s this technology help in maintaining hygiene and safety in office environments. This technology involves applying a positive charge to office cleaning companies’ solutions which will strongly adhere to the office surfaces and ensures that every corner of the office is sanitized.
UV-C light disinfection, another technological advancement gains traction in Sydney offices. UV-C light has been proven to kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens by disrupting their DNA and hence, portable UV-C devices can be used to disinfect workstations, meeting rooms, and high-touch surfaces quickly and efficiently. This offers an additional layer of protection thereby complementing traditional office cleaning Sydney methods.